Pulses Research Programme

India is the largest producer, consumer and importer of pulses in the world. Pulses are grown in various agro-ecological condition and cropping systems with diverse agricultural practices. Red gram (cajanus cajan), green gram (Vi-gna radiate) and black gram (vigna mungo), are the important legume crops grown in India. Considering the growing importance of pulse crops grown in India. considering the growing importance of pulse cropping system and its scope for improvement, IUBTPL have initiated the pulses breeding programme for developing new cultivars in mandate crops with focus on seed yield, higher protein content and resistance to major pests and diseases.


Good collection of germplasm having
  • Diverse growth habit
  • Different maturity groups
  • High test weight
  • Wide range of pod length and seed colour
  • High protein content
  • Resistance to major pests and disease
  • High harvest index


  • Development of early duration varieties
  • Exploitation of heterosis breeding through hybrid development
  • Developing tolerance to major biotic and abiotic stress
  • Designing plant type with optimum vegetative growth and reduced flower drop
  • Improvement of harvest index


  • Development of varieties suitable for inter cropping and rice fallow cropping system
  • Development of varieties with synchronous maturity and ideal plant type to improve the yield potential
  • Varieties with tolerance to major biotic and abiotic stress
  • Generation of variability through recombination
  • Improvement in physiological trial such as leaf area, root mass, water use efficiency, etc.